Saturday, February 9, 2008

Benga Benga

So we have been here for a week now crazy I know, it has been a very busy but still very fun week, it has been really amazing to re connect with old friends, and to make some new ones as well, we took part in a mini two night crusade in which we saw roughly 80-90 recive Christ as Lord of their lives, very exciting, there is going to be another crusade next week about an hour from the camp, so the three of us will be sleeping at the crusade sight next week, so there probably will not be any updates next week, keep praying for us as we serve the Lord over here, Byron and Brandon seem to have no intrest in learning the language, I on the other hand have a deep desire to learn it you can pray God gives me a supernatural ability to learn it, well my lunch is ready gotta go more to come.



Ashley said...

Cam, I love hearing what's going on. Makes me really miss you and doing ministry together. I hope and pray that God continues to use you guys in miraculous ways. That the stories you share will be so unbeleivable that only God could be the answer, and that you continue to learn the language.

Miss you friend

Greg Roberts said...

Love the updates...and congrats on writing the longest run on sentence in the entire world!